Alinea Wiki



Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench (Official Music Video)

The face of what we once called earth has changed pursuant to the great Fu-Yun quake of 1931. The tectonic shifts moved some continents closer together, while others have broken apart and divided. Waters have receded in some areas, revealing once lost land masses such as the fabled continents of Lemuria (Mu) and Atlantis, while completely submerging other parts of the world


Seth Campbell suspiciously "wins" the presidential election of 1945 and assumes office in 1946. It is publicly suspected early on that the president had engaged with foreign adversaries such as Russia and Korea prior to the election, and now may be exposing and sharing state secrets. However, the public is not aware that Campbell has sold his allegiance to Korea, and is acting as their agent; allowing them full covert control to the reigns government.


The Alchemists have all but perfected Serum B, a life-extending elixir that also minimizes sickness and disease. 1969, President Campbell becomes the first public official to consume the serum. Not only will this preserve the president's life and youth, but he can also maintain his grip on power and control of the government.


Serum B is used on President Campbell's cabinet and other high ranking government officials. Once an individual has consumed the serum, the only way out of the TAO is death by execution. The government begins their restrictions on entertainment only allowing Korean entertainment.


The Lost Cities revolt after one of their citizens on reconnaissance mission is captured and imprisoned by the TAO. Chetonians also horrified to learn that the Alchemists are using their DNA to produce Serum B, and using their race as test subjects.


The TAO has restricted almost every aspect of citizen's lives for over the last century; and even the most loyal Alineans are demanding reform as they see the wrongs of a self-serving government becoming more nefarious and pervasive. The Lost Cities and Chetonian Empire join forces after a failed plea to the Nuwa Gods. They combine their knowledge of the past world and current world to devise a plan to take down the overbearing government.


After the fall of Johns Hopkins, the Lost Cities and Chetonians lead a coup, taking control of the medical research center. They aid in the rehabilitation of test subjects and begin laying out plans to take down Dobongsoon; the Korean-American Consulate.
